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Favourite Restaurants of 2024

I thought I would start the year right by giving you my list of favourite restaurant outings in 2024. Here we go:

le 9e - Restaurant Ile-de-France

Imagine a restaurant that opened in the 1930s bearing an impressive Art Deco architectural set on the 9th floor of the largest shopping centre of the province of Quebec. Now imagine the restaurant having reopened again on Montreal's anniversary - May 17th - after being closed for nearly twenty-five years. While customers may no longer eat in the main room which has been converted to hold private functions and events, the dining remains as well as many Art Deco elements. The food caters to a wide spectrum of tastes, and the dessert cart is not to be missed.

Book this place for your special event. Whether it's for a 50th birthday meal like mine, a gathering with friends, or impressing a dear auntie (Hi Lori!) you will not be disappointed.

Restaurant Le Cerf Volant

BYOB (bring you own bottle) restaurants can be hit or miss but this fine-dining restaurant in East-end Montreal impressed on many levels with a great tasting menu that is affordably priced for the quality meal that you get here. I love menus that have only a few dishes on them but get them all right. They also accommodate dietary restrictions or guide you with a knowledgeable staff. Do not dare miss their decadent donut as a dessert!

A welcome addition to Tétreaultville with friendly service in a cozy bistro ambiance which is quite refreshing for an area that sadly lacks in higher- end restaurants.

Cerf Volant

Oncle Lee

Standing out in an area such as the Mile End where there is no lack of fine eating institutions can prove to be quite the feat. Oncle Lee, owned by the same group as Bouillon Bilk, Cadet, and Place Carmin, introduced this Asian restaurant just over a year ago. It impresses with not only a contemporary Asian-inspired look with flashy Chinese lanterns but the food is fantastic. Smaller plates are shared here with standouts being the 5-spice duck, sweet and sour eggplant with bacon and peanuts,and the killer spicy salmon on rice cake appetizer.

Oncle Lee

Amea Café

Downtown Montreal can be frustrating in finding a place to eat which does not bust your wallet.

The Maison Alcan on Sherbrooke street in the posh Square Mile holds a gorgeous upscale counter-style café which has tasty french pastries and savoury dishes to please the crowds. Check out the massive mural by artist Ola Volo upon entry to further enhance your experience, and do not forget to look up.

Café Amea

Check out my other blog entries on this site as well as the private tours of Montreal that you can book to make the most of your visit to this fascinating city. You can also contact me directly at

la Grande Salle -le 9e

La Grande Salle - le 9e


Licensed Montreal and Quebec Tourist Guide. I have lived in Montreal my entire life. Interests include food, sports, and music.

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